Gareth Thomas, police and local councillors on Lowlands rec
Gareth Thomas, police and local councillors on Lowlands rec

Lowlands Recreation Ground is a well-loved public space regularly used by local residents, commuters, and students alike. Local residents have reported increased levels of Anti-Social Behaviour and many report that they feel unsafe walking here after dark. Local Councillors Stephen Hickman, Aneka Shah-Levy, Dan Anderson, Eden Kulig and Ghazanfar Ali are petitioning the Council to urgently take action to review community safety measures, to improve street lighting and increase ASB patrols so that residents feel safe using this space after dark. We are also looking into potential measures for other nearby areas like Churchfields and are working with police on reports and accessibility.

Please support our campaign for increased lighting and measures to tackle anti-social behaviour on Lowlands Rec. 

PETITION: Lighting and Safety Measures on Lowlands Recreation Ground

Sign the petition(Required)
Greenhill Councillors and police
Greenhill Councillors and police
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