Gareth Thomas MP From Harrow, For Harrow

Harrow West MP offers his statement to students receiving A-level results today
Gareth Thomas, MP for Harrow West said:
“As with every results day, today will be an anxious one for many thousands of students across Harrow and across the country. Sadly, this anxiety will be even greater due to a fiasco caused by the Conservative Government.
I want to congratulate many of Harrow’s young people that have received the grades they deserve after working so hard. For all students, their closure of this important chapter in education has not been an easy one.
Today across Harrow, however, there will be many pupils, maybe in my former school, Hatch End, or in Rooks Heath, Nower Hill, Whitmore, or Harrow College that will be opening their envelopes to find grades which undermine their work and their potential. I hear you and I am sorry you have been let down.
To echo my colleague, Shadow Education Secretary Kate Green, “Ministers must act urgently to correct the injustice faced by so many young people today. Students must be able to lodge their own appeals if they haven’t got the grade they deserved and admissions teams must be forced to be more flexible. No student should see their dreams slip away because of this Government’s inaction.”.”