Gareth Thomas MP From Harrow, For Harrow
Mount Vernon Campaign
Cancer services like Mount Vernon have saved so many lives and benefited so many people, the Government should be investing in Mount Vernon, not threatening it with closure Gareth Thomas MP
Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, one of the NHS’s specialist cancer hospitals is under threat of closure once again. Existing services are expected to move into central London after a devastating inquiry last year found that the hospital was so dilapidated and short of doctors and nurses that it cannot provide modern cancer care or even basic elements of treatment.
Recent answers to my Questions in Parliament have revealed Ministers don’t know if money will be available to help Mount Vernon. Ministers cannot confirm they will find the money to keep the Cancer Centre at Mount Vernon and make the “considerable investment in buildings, equipment replacement and IT connectivity” to make it fit for purpose.
If you support the Government putting the investment and staff into Mount Vernon Cancer Centre so that services can be provided to the highest standard, please join this campaign: