Gareth Thomas MP From Harrow, For Harrow
Extend Free Parking for NHS Staff
"It is deeply insulting that the Govt are not extending the hospital car parking relief to our hard-working NHS staff" Gareth Thomas MP

During the past year of the pandemic, it was a significant and very welcome step to make hospital car parking charges free to NHS staff, for example at Northwick Park Hospital. At a time when we are seeing enormous levels of burnout in the workforce and an effective real-terms salary cut – it is completely the wrong move by the Government to scrap free parking for NHS and care staff from 21st June.
We need a commitment to extend the relief of hospital car parking charges beyond the pandemic. With waiting lists reaching new heights of 5 million and many waiting over 12 months for urgent care, I want to present a petition to the Secretary of State for Health to push for an extension of parking relief.
These charges are unfair for our hardworking NHS staff as they embark on providing a backlog of care to our community and beyond. If you support, please join this campaign: